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Bert Sorrells is accredited to have developed one of the most proven bloodlines of American Pit Bull Terriers (APBTs) in existence today, with the help of behind-the-scenes conditioner, handler, and breeder Madison Parker. The Sorrells' bloodline has had great success not only in traditional gamedog venues, but has also displayed exceptional adaptability and diversity by also excelling in other venues such as hog catch work, treadmill racing, wall climb, weight pull, and various protection sports such as SchH/IPO and French Ring.
Bert gained much of his knowledge from the gamedogs he acquired, his and others' successes, and from the "Old Timers" in the game. Of the “Old Timers,” Bert deeply respected and befriended Earl Tudor, whose dog “Tudor’s Goldie,” a proven Champion "pit bull" producer of old, is the foundation of Sorrells Champion Pit Bull Terriers. The Sorrells family of Pitbull Terriers achieved respect and Championships amongst Bert’s peers. Among those peers are well respected great dogmen such as Earl Tudor, Ralph Greenwood, whom he also considered a close and respected friend, Bert Clouse, Floyd Boudreaux, Howard Heinzl, Colby, Clyde Mason, Joe Corvino, Al Brown and Maurice Carver to name a few.
Bert Sorrells was inducted by the American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA) into the Dogman Hall of Fame in 1992. Additionally, Bert was actually influential in the formation of the American Dog Breeders Association Conformation and Pedigree Program as it is known today, aiding his close, long-time friend, Ralph Greenwood, in the preservation and protection of the American Pit Bull Terrier Dog breed. Bert Sorrells was one of the 1st American Dog Breeders Association judges and has been judging American Pit Bull Terriers around the world ever since. His extensive research and study, along with his hard work, sacrifices, perseverance and dedication to the breed have made him one of the most highly respected authorities of the American Pit Bull Terrier of all time.
Bert Sorrells hard earned, dug out of the dirt experience and in-depth knowledge have resulted in a family of champion American Pitbull Terriers that have helped to shape the breed throughout the world.
Some of the dogs by the legendary Bert Sorrells:
Register of Merit (ROM) & Producer of Record (POR)
Sorrells' Bull (ROM)
Gr. Ch. Sorrells' Hardeyes (POR)
Gr. Ch. Sorrells' John Testament (ROM)
Sorrells' Red Jerry (ROM)
Ch. Sorrells Raisin (ROM)
Gr. Ch. Sorrells' Shoeshone (POR)
Gr. Ch. (Sorrells) Aries Sweeny Todd
Grand Champions:
Gr. Ch. Sorrells' Hardeyes (POR)
Gr. Ch. Sorrells' Roadblock
Gr. Ch. Sorrells' Shoeshone (POR)
Gr. Ch. Sorrells' John Testament (ROM)
Golden King's Ch. Silver 4xW,1xL
(G.K.'s Silver was pure Sorrells & the only dog in history to defeat 3 Gr. Ch. & a Ch.)
Ch. Sorrells' Ace Hurt
Ch. Sorrells' Azuma
Ch. Sorrells' Blue Monday
Ch. Sorrells' Bubba
Ch. Sorrells' Blue Monday
Ch. Lara's Deuce
Ch. Sorrells' Crazy Dugan
Ch. Sorrells' Goober
Ch. Sorrells' Harley
Ch. Sorrells' Jack
Ch. Sorrells' Joe Testament
Ch. Sorrells' Mr. Hobbs
Ch. (Sorrells) Cheecky K's Nunga
Ch. Sorrells' No. 1 Son (Sonny Boy)
Ch. Sorrells' Raisin (ROM)
Ch. Sorrells' Red Eagle
Ch. Sorrells' Sailor
Ch. Sorrells Sledge
Ch. Sorrells' Uncle Bud
Ch. Sorrells' Zik Hard Eyes
Sorrells' Jim Dandy 2xW
Sorrells Johnny Walker Red 2xW
Sorrells' Bud Light 2xW
Sorrells' Matty the Mouth (3 & 1/2 hour dog) 2xW
Sorrells' Shortie the Preacher 2xW
Sorrells' PeaBear 2xW
Sorrells Virginia Slim 2xW
1xW Franny (deep game & came from near death from way behind for the win)
Sorrells' Bob the Fool 1xW
Sorrells' Claymore 1xGL
Sorrells' Mule Jr 1xGL (4 hours)
The Sorrells’ line truly is my favorite line of APBTs. The Sorrells' line of dogs are very affectionate companion dogs with exceptional abilities, health, drives, & work ethic that only makes up one of the most accomplished lines of APBTs in traditional gamedog venues, they also excel in hog catch, treadmill racing, wall climb, weight pull, dock diving, agility, obedience, & even protection sports. I know of no other line of APBTs that is so well accomplished in so many different sporting venues. Unfortunately, Bert past away in 2018, and is obviously no longer able to carry the torch to preserve this line of dogs. In fact, Bert became unable to maintain his line of dogs nearly a decade before passing. While many breeders have dogs influenced by the Sorrells’ line, few have Sorrells’ dogs in their pure form, & unfortunately the line is going to become more and more rare as time goes by.
Bert Sorrells was inducted into the ADBA Dogman Hall of Fame in 1992. In 2002, I met Madison Parker, a man with a tremendous amount of history with working APBTs and the Sorrells’ line. Soon there after, in 2003/2004, I had acquired my first Sorrells’ dog (Sorrells’ Captain Skip) directly from Bert’s yard. This dog played a major role in the American Sentinel K9 program. During my visit with Bert, I fed his entire yard for nearly a week as Bert’s back was giving him issues, which allowed me to get to know his dogs first hand.
(Left to right, Skip Parker, Madison Parker, Bert Sorrells)
About a dozen years later, I obtaining three more heavy Sorrells’ specimens from Madison, that were heavily bred on the Sorrells’ line…with the “outs” fortunately being from bloodlines that were comprised from similar ancestral roots to the original Sorrells’ dogs. In addition to these dogs, I was able to acquire four more exceptional dogs that were in fact 100% pure on the Sorrells’ line. By breeding these dogs with each other, I have established a large enough population of Sorrells’ dogs that are 75-100% pure, yet with sufficient genetic diversity to preserve the best of the pure Sorrells’ family of dogs for decades to come. I felt personally called to the task since I have infused Sorrells’ dogs into our line of bandogs and may need to do so again in the future in order to achieve a personal goal…which is to create the best bandog program to EVER exist...the American Sentinel. While I am confident we are already there, continuing the work will further preserve this achievement and ensure the American Sentinel’s exceptional performance and help establish more consistency in type. This is necessary for the breed’s longevity…so the American Sentinel can withstand the test of it is my desire that the American Sentinel outlives me…so it may continue to be the ultimate family companion guardian dog that many families desire, the American Sentinel as the premier bandog. This is why I keep and breed the Sorrells' line, as a means required to perfecting a personal produce the finest bandog breed and family companion guardian that ever existed...the American Sentinel K9. It is our dedication and pursuit for the best that separates us from the rest.
Our Interviews with Madison Parker - Part 1
Part 3 - Interviews with Madison Parker
Part 4 - Interviews with Madison Parker
Part 5 - Interviews with Madison Parker
Part 6 - Interviews with Madison Parker
* American Sentinel K9, LLC * American Bandog * American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) *
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