We place major emphasis on having several quality female American Sentinel K9 bandogs and American Pit Bull Terriers (APBTs), as the mother of each puppy may even be more responsible to a program's success than are quality males...as the female adds not only 50% of the chromosomal DNA, but is also responsible for the mitochondrial DNA as well as the early behavioral imprinting.
All of our breeding stock are performance tested, and this includes our females. Information about the type of testing each dog has sustained is provided below.
We have also include a photo of the hip X-ray for each girl, as well as their pedigree. Please note that young females who have not yet proven to meet the requirements are only listed as "prospects."
ASC's Biscuit is out of ASC's Scratch bred back to his mother, ASC's Halo, making Biscuit double-bred Halo. Biscuit looks and acts just like her sire, Scratch. I have high hopes for this girl. Halo’s offspring are absolute machines when it comes to working ability…from smashing wild hogs to hammering suited up decoys. Those of you that know Scratch know he may very well be my favorite American Sentinel to date. Scratch is a complete marshmallow companion when chilling out with the family, but is an absolute hammer when it comes to protection work. I expect great things from Biscuit.
ASC's Dolly is young girl out of ASC's Vlad x ASC's Jazz. Jazz is out of ASC's Justice x ASC's Storm. Both Vlad and Justice are out of ASC's Preacher-Man, making Dolly times Preacher-Man, which him being a grandsire on the topside and a great grandsire on the bottom side. Dolly is high drive, has good nerves, and is very affectionate. We will have updates on her soon.
Lila Jean is a young pup that we kept out of Reptar x Rosebud. Time will tell how she turns out.
ASC's Onyx was our pick female from ASC's Justice x ASC's Widow.
Click here to view ASC's Onyx working.
* American Sentinel K9, LLC * American Bandog * American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) *
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Content may not be copied or reproduced without the expressed written consent of H. Lee Robinson.
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