To better serve our customers, we have provided a lot of information on our website, including a long list of common questions which can be seen on the "Common Questions" page, viewable under the "articles" tab above. We also have photos, videos, and individual descriptions for each of our breeding dogs in the "our dogs" section of our website. This is all done so we can spend as much time possible with the dogs; however, if reviewing this information, if you still have questions, by all means, feel free to reach out to us, as we obviously wish to provide our clients with the best possible service.
We are gladly here to help our clients; however, due to our very busy schedule, we prefer that people review our website before reaching out to us. You will find most questions are answered on our website either on the breeding pages or under the Articles tab. That said, we strive to provide the best service possible for our clients, so by all means feel welcome to contact us if and when necessary.
H. Lee Robinson